مواقع تسويقية مهمه

حاولت جاهدا ان اضع اكبر قدر ممكن عن مواقع تسويقيه الكترونيه مفيده لكل مشتغل بعلم التسويق. محاولا ان اصنفه تصنيفا منطقيا حسب التخصصات المطلوبه في التسويق. أحاول جاهدا في ترجمتها للغة العربيه

Marketing Plan الخطه التسويقيه

Writing a Marketing Plan and Sample Marketing Plans


How Marketing Plans Work

Brand Name  الاسم التجاري

Brand Name and techniques and Styles


A compelling name is the soul of communicative identity. It embodies personality, culture and value. It is strategic in sight and sound. It is your best ally, positioning you above the noise. The name is undoubtedly one of the most important factors in both how quickly a company, product or service becomes successful, as well as the eventual degree of success it enjoys.

Marketing Questions? الاسئله التسويقيه

Got a Marketing Question?

Do you need direction to help solve a marketing problem? Need advice on how to tackle your market research project? Do you have a question on an emerging marketing fields such as search engine marketing? Or is there something about marketing you always wanted to know? Then ask KnowThis! On a regular basis we’ll pick the best questions submitted by our visitors and provide answers. Questions selected will take one-to-two weeks before answers are posted. Unfortunately not all questions can be answers.


Questions and Answers اسئله واجوبه


Education and Training in Marketing

Those involved in marketing teaching and training, whether on the academic or professional side will find many useful reference sites in this area.  Additionally, also good resources are provided for those who may have an interest in academic research.

Advertising and Media الاعلان والاعلام

Basic and How-to Advertising, Effectiveness Studies

This site got Information, resources, reference and links to general advertising information.


Advertisng الاعلان


Direct Marketing التسويق المباشر


Internet Advertising اعلان الانترنت


Banner Advertising


Media Kits and rates  الوسائل الاعلاميه واسعارها


Media issues الاعلام

Information, resources, reference and links related to media and other communications issues including locating media, media buys, placements, media buying and more. Media Issues


Public Relations  العلاقات العامه

Information, resources, reference and links related to doing basic public relations including listing of major wire services and internet PR firms.


Other Promotion  وسائل ترويج اخرى

Information, resources, reference and links related to other types of promotions, consumer promotion and trade promotion.

Events Sponsorships  إدارة المناسبات

Information, resources, reference and links related to corporate sponsorship programs and event marketing.


International Advertising Resource Center موقع معلومات مفيده عن الاعلان الدولي

هذا الموقع عن الاعلان الدولي يحدث بالمعلومات الجديده كل شهرين. ويحتوي على معلومات مفيده لكل دارس او مشتغل بالاعلان الدولي. ويشمل على 11 باب وكل باب يحتوي على معلومات وافيه ومثال على ذلك مجالات البحوث في الاعلان, الجوائز العالميه في الاعلان, وسائل الاعلان بكل دوله, المنظمات الدوليه المهتمه بالاعلان وغيرها .

This International Advertising Resource Center, updated every two months and created since 1996, collects literature and information sources useful to international advertising researchers and practitioners. It consists of 11 major sections: international advertising, global media< media by country , international advertising award, international advertising research and others.

Product Placement

Information, resources, reference and links for product placement promotions.


Industry news and employment listings from the premiere trade journal. Paying subscribers gain access to the most recent job listings in the Career Network. Those who do not want to pay can see listings over 7 days old.



Marketing Planning, Management and Strategy

Marketing managers face many challenges not the least of which is figuring out what is necessary to maintain a competitive advantage. In this section KnowThis offers resources for the marketing manager with special focus on tools to help with planning and strategy formulation. Also, if you have an interest in starting a small business then the information available in this area may be quite helpful. Time spent investigating the resources available here could save lots of time and money in the future.


Marketing Research   بحوث التسويق

Market Research and Internet Marketing Research

Marketing is often defined as providing products and services that help satisfy the needs of a particular market. To find out what the market’s needs are marketers must learn as much as they can about their customers. In fact, marketers have an insatiable desire to find out more and more about who they sell to. So much so that it has created an enormous marketing research industry that supports the need for more information. Consequently, the Market Research section is by far the largest section within KnowThis.com. It is sub-divided into several areas so if you are pressed for time you may want to do a search if you have a specific topic.


Basics of Market Research, How-To Information, Research Help


Market Research Design, Methods and Analysis


Designing Surveys and Questionnaires

In this section find information and resources to help produce effective surveys and questionnaires.


Find Market Research Companies in Directories and Listings


Leading Search Engines and Web Search Tools


Executive Search International

ِsearch firm specializing in the placement of sales and marketing professionals within the consumer packaged goods industry (beauty care, cosmetics, nutritional, and OTC pharmaceuticals.) Their web site includes a brief list of some current searches, a list of recent placements, and a nice list of questions that you should ask a headhunter along with some you should expect to answer.


Sales and Retailing    البيع والتجزئيه

Retailing and Consumer  التجزئيه والعميل

This section of the Marketing Virtual Library provides coverage of issues related to various consumer activities with special emphasis on consumer purchasing. Here visitors will find links to useful sites that address one of the largest of all marketing activities (at least in terms of revenue): retailing. Information is provided for both brick-and-mortar retailing as well as Internet retailing. Also, an important mission of KnowThis is to serve as a one-stop location for anyone in need of marketing-related information. While this site is mainly for anyone engaged in marketing activities in a business sense, Know This also realizes that non-marketers can benefit from what we have to offer. With this in mind, resources for consumers who are often the target of marketers’ actions.


Selling and Sales Management  إدارة المبيعات

Selling is a highly misunderstood profession. Many people, when asked what they think of salespeople, instantly use terms such as pushy, greedy, or some other unkind adjective. Yet professional selling is not what most people think. Professionally trained salespeople are among the most important individuals within many companies. This is especially true in business-to-business selling situations where the amount of promotional expense allocated to support a sales force far exceeds expenses for advertising. Also, successful selling requires the establishment of strong relationships with customers, relationships that are intended to last for a long time. Salespeople whose goal is to just get the sale and not worry about the customer are doomed to failure. Professional selling requires knowledge and skills that must to learned over time, thus on-going training is critical for most. In this section resources are offered to help both the experienced sales professional as well as those new to the field.



Defunct Marketing Websites

The Internet is littered with the remains of sites whose good (or lofty!) intentions did not quite match with what the market wanted (classic marketing problem).  In this section KnowThis presents links to sites that are still accessible and may hold value for historic or research purposes.  This page is specific to Internet sites.  For more general Marketing history information see the History of Marketing & Advertising page or Exhibits, Museums & Shows page.


Marketing and Advertising History  التسويق وتاريخ إلاعلان

Information, resources, and links related to the history of marketing and advertising.


Marketing Exhibits, Museums, Archives and Shows


Distribution, Transportation and Purchasing Information


Pricing Issues in Marketing


Social Marketing


Information for Specific Industries


Miscellaneous Marketing Topics


Legal Issues in Marketing

General Legal Issues in Marketing and Advertising


Internet Law and E-Commerce Law قانون الانترنت والتسويق الالكتروني


Legal Forms and Contracts for Marketing العقود التسويقيه


Patents, Trademarks and Intellectual Property العلامات التجارية وحقوقها


Marketing Publications and Journals مطبوعات تسويقيه

Directories for Electronic, Internet and Online Publications


Marketing Trade and Professional Publications Listings


Find Publisher’s Home Page


Academic Marketing Journals Web Sites

Below link presents the  leading academic journals in marketing fields.


Marketing and Business Print Publications Web Sites

Below KnowThis.com presents links to leading magazines, newspapers and trade publications. Many of these sites provide access to articles that appear in the print version of major publications.  Many also function as online news sources that includes expanded materials not available in the print version as well as providing access to many other resources


Web Only Marketing Magazines, Journals and Newsletters


Free Professional Subscription Services


Free Online Textbooks


Marketing Textbook Publishers


Marketing Sites

Top 101 Book Marketing Sites


Larry Chase’s Search Engine for Marketers

This free service features short reviews and links to the top sites in 40 marketing categories, such as: Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing, Increasing Site Traffic, Link Popularity, Direct Marketing, Web Analytics, Search Engine Marketing, Affiliate Programs, Pay-Per-Click Advertising, Media Buying, CRM, and more. For each site listed, 35 were rejected.


The Top 10 Internet Marketing Sites


International Marketing Portals and Meta Sites


Favorite Customer Marketing Sites

This site talk about relationship marketing, database marketing, customer retention and others.


The 2003 NetMarketing 100: Best B-To-B Web Sites

Every year, BtoB evaluates about 800 Web sites in 14 industry categories to determine which have earned a spot in the NetMarketing 100, our list of the best b-to-b Web sites. On the following pages, you’ll find this year’s list, ranked in descending order of points awarded


Cultural Issues in International Marketing


International Business and International Trade


Marketing Associations

The Chartered Institutes of Marketing

The world leading marketing organization based on London, UK.


International Association of Business Communicators

represents writers, editors, public relations directors, and other advertising and communications specialists. The job bank is open for all to review and may include jobs for public relations specialists, technical writers, editorial staff, and directors of corporate communications. Many chapters also maintain individual job banks.

American Marketing Association الجمعيه الامريكيه للتسويق

موقع الجمعيه الامريكيه للتسويق يحتوي على معلومات مهمه لكل مشتغل بالتسويق ولديها 38000 عضو في كل مجالات التسويق. ويقدم موقع الجمعيه معلومات كافيه وحالات دراسيه عن العديد من المواضيع التسويقيه والبحوث. ولديها العديد من المجلات العلميه وتنظم العديد من المؤتمرات والندوات وليها فروع منتشره في امريكا وبعض البلدان المختاره.

The American Marketing Association, one of the largest professional associations for marketers, has 38,000 members worldwide in every area of marketing. For over six decades the AMA has been an essential resource providing relevant marketing information that experienced marketers turn to everyday.  The AMA website, MarketingPower.com, offers a wide array of newly expanded information including research, case studies and best practices in marketing. AMA’s prestigious marketing journals provide access to the newest developments in marketing thought, while AMA magazines have practical applications of marketing strategies to address marketers’ daily needs on the job. AMA offers specialty conferences, one-day hot topic seminars, boot camps and workshops, to help marketers build the skills that keep them ahead of emerging trends, and help long-term professional development

The Business Marketing Association رابطة التسويق بين الشركات

هذا الموقع مفيد بمعلومات تسويقيه واتصاليه بين الشركات
The leading professional resource for B-to-B marketers and communicators.
BMA delivers benefits, services, information, skill enhancement, and networking opportunities that help its members grow, develop, and succeed throughout their business careers


Public Relations Society of America

includes information on starting your own PR firm, a reading room with information on this career area, loads of good Resources, and an open job lead bank. Check the list of local chapters found on the main web site, since many also maintain job lists on their individual websites.


Food Marketing Institute

nonprofit association representing food retailers and wholesalers around the world. Check a list of members with links to their websites, view supermarket and other industry news, as well as other open documents on this site. Membership will get you access to several reports


Business Marketing Association

BMA delivers benefits, services, information, skill enhancement, and networking opportunities that help its members grow, develop, and succeed throughout their business careers. Explore Marketing.org and discover all the benefits and advantages BMA has to offer.


Direct Marketing Association

The DMA has been representing direct marketing since 1917. Since that time, one principle has driven us: Our commitment to our members. Whatever a marketer’s size, market or media, we are here to help members achieve bottom line success and satisfied customers. Find out more about us.


Marketing Research Association

MRA promotes excellence in the opinion and marketing research industry by providing members with a variety of opportunities for advancing and expanding their marketing research and related business skills. To protect the marketing research environment, we will act as an advocate with appropriate government entities, other associations, and the public


Trade Show Exhibitors

Trade Show Strategy, Tactics, and Trends.” Exhibitor Magazine Group is the producer of several educational and informational tools for trade show and event industry professionals in the U.S. and abroad. Each month the magazine presents in-depth articles on every aspect of exhibit and event management including: selecting shows to reach the right target audience, exhibit designs that draw a crowd, promotion and presentation development, budgeting, international exhibiting, creating lead-tracking systems, measuring show results and logistics such as setup and transportation. Job Seekers will want to check the Classifieds for sale and job listings.


Mobile Marketing
Mobile marketing covers a broad selection of services. SMS text is probably the most popular. Here are our recommended mobile marketing sites


Guerilla Marketing

guerilla marketing

Unconventional marketing intended to get maximum results from minimal resources.


Guerrilla Marketing


Guerrilla Marketing Association


Marketing ResourcesAcademic Info


Online Classifed Club

Welcome to the Online Classified Club! The club was developed to assist both the new and the seasoned internet marketeer drive traffic and orders to any site, or wishing to sell anything online.


Web Marketing Today


Marketing Assignments

World leader in custom-written marketing assignments and dissertations! As of 29 February, 2004:


Marketing Terms

Marketing Terms. COM
Internet marketing reference and index of the best sites & articles


Marketing Terms and Definitions


Marketing Terms, Definitions, Dictionaries, Glossaries

This site presents categorized links to sites offering glossaries and listings of important marketing terms.


Marketing Career

Marketing Career and Job Profiles

Are you interested in a career in marketing? Use the Marketing Career Profiles here at About to learn more about career opportunities in marketing.

Each Career Profile contains:

Job Description
Average Salary and Expectations
Education Requirements
Personality Synopsis
Other Job Titles Used

The Marketing Career Profiles have been categorized into the different segments of marketing.


Marketing Careers and Marketing Job Search

Marketing Careers and Marketing Job Search المهن في التسويق

ملاين الناس حول العالم يشتغلون بوظائف لها صله وثيقه بالتسويق مثال مدراء التسويق, المشتغلين في الاعلان, رجال البيع, واخرين. بمعنى اخر 30% من المشتغليين بالشركات يشتغلون في التسويق.

Millions of people around the world are pursuing careers in marketing.  These include marketing manager, those employed in advertising and other promotion areas, salespeople, and many, many more.  In fact, when you consider how many different jobs fall under the heading of marketing, it is estimated that worldwide over 30% of all workers work in marketing.  For anyone looking for a career in marketing or if you are in marketing and looking for new challenges then the resources in this section should be well worth your time.

Marketing, Sales Job Hunting Advice, Salaries and Help


Marketing Basics for the Small Business

The essence of marketing is to understand your customers’ needs and develop a plan that surrounds those needs. Let’s face it anyone that has a business has a desire to grow their business. The most effective way to grow and expand your business is by focusing on organic growth.


The Links Collection – sites, articles, resources


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  1. باركة الله لك في الدنيا والاخرة للعمل الجميل الذي تقوم به في مد يد العون لتطوير المحبين لدراسة علم التسويق وانا واحد من هؤلاء بل اكثرهم عشقا للتسويق واتمني ان اجد منك كل المساعدات التي تقودني الي المسوق المحترف في قطاع الاعلانات والانتاج التلفزيوني

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